Riccar Vacuum Bags Pizzazz, Moonlight, Sunburst HEPA Type Z - 6 pk HEPA dustbags
Riccar Vacuum Bags Pizzazz, Moonlight, Sunburst HEPA Type Z HEPA Vacuum Bags are available in our Raleigh and Cary NC stores, or we can deliver them direct to your door.
Riccar Vacuum Bags Pizzazz, Moonlight, Sunburst HEPA Type Z Vacuum Bags. Genuine HEPA media type Z bags with a cardboard bag collar fits the Riccar Pizzazz, Moonlight and Sunburst canister vacuums. They also fit the Simplicity Jill canister.
Genuine Riccar bags are designed to precise specifications to trap particles and to reduce dust leakage and breaking.
6-Pack of Genuine HEPA media bags fits Pizzazz, Moonlight, Sunburst and Simplicity Jill canister models. 6 bags per pack.
Includes 6 HEPA dustbags. Item RZH-6. Riccar Vacuum Bags Pizzazz, Moonlight, Sunburst HEPA Type Z Vacuum Bags. Raleigh, Cary NC.
The best vacuum cleaners, central vacuums, carpet cleaners, steam cleaners, air purifiers, vacuum bags, filters, belts, parts, home fragrance products and cleaning supplies are at Capital Vacuum Floor-Care World 1666 North Market Drive in Raleigh NC (919) 878-8530 and 209 E Chatham Street in Cary NC (919) 467-2834. Family-owned since 1953. Be smart, buy where you get local service!